Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Consistency Is Key

I just noticed that I have not written a post since July 1st, and here it is July 11th. OOPS - a little behind the proverbial eight ball! :-) I believe that I will be a better writer if I write a little bit every day (and a WHOLE LOT when preparing a book proposal! :->) No matter what you love to do, practicing each day at your craft will make you more proficient. Consistency. It is the key.

That same thought made me think of my life with Jesus. If I am consistently seeking Him and spending time with Him each day, I will feel closer to Him. Sound easy? It is not, but it is SO worth it! The last few months, I have felt absolutely unorganized and overwhelmed with work deadlines, long commutes, making sure my hubby and stepson are well-loved and taken care of. I am ashamed to say that the Lord has been down around fourth place, and that breaks my heart! I know it breaks His as well. Glynnis Whitwer's book "I Used To Be So Organized" has been invaluable to me because she talks at length about keeping God first in all things. No one can nurture my relationship with Him except for me, so it is my responsibility AND my privilege to sit at His feet and praise Him each day. Lord, how I love You!

Take baby steps toward Christ each day. He cannot wait to meet with you. Consistency. It is the key. You will be glad you did.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Simple Things

It hit 106 degrees in Atlanta this weekend - double YUCK!! I am a Southern girl and do not handle hot temperatures very well. Everything was going along swimmingly until our power went out completely - along with the AIR!! My hubby came back from running errands, and I met him at the door with the lovely news. He had a smile on his face and said the words I love to hear, "Let's just go out!!" YIPPEE!!

We proceeded to enjoy dinner and a movie together. Simple things. Just spending time with my man made me forget about my lack of air conditioning. It also made us think about other things that are equally important - like having fun conversation without our rather large flat screen TV going on in the background. Talking about our favorite ice cream flavors. Wondering if our friends are handling the heat. Holding hands. Eating said ice cream (what good is ice cream if you just talk about it?? :->)

No matter what season you are in, do not forget to enjoy the simple things. And do not forget how much the Lord loves you. Even when it is 106 degrees. And you are sweating. A LOT!! :->

“These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33